The SolSteer ISO-Section allows the operator to either manually or automatically switch on individual sections of an implement, via an ISOBUS VT user interface. The controller switches between 0v and 12v for each section and therefore can be used on a wide range of machinery.
When section control is enabled in the ISO-Section VT display, individual sections of the implement will automatically be switched on or off at predetermined locations in the field, based on the Task Controller Section Control.
The ISO-Section will also upload information and data to the Task Controller such as the implement width, section widths, section on/off times, offsets and data associated with work totals.
The Hardware

Key Benefits:
- ISOBUS compatible
- Plug-and-play solution
- Records data to the Task Controller
- Control up to 10 sections
- 8 High-Side Outputs
- 2 Low-Side Outputs
- Manual and Automatic mode
- Master can be switched with hitch or AUX-N
- Suitable for drilling, spraying and planting
- 2-Way Deutsch connector for each section